
About the gems and forging of Diablo 3 gold

Gem synthesis and artisans forging, is a widely criticized by many players and a design that is difficult to understand. Blizzard Diablo 3 design group.

  The so-called existence must be reasonable, if we just think of it how bad it , then we will never be impossible to understand why it occurs. The gem synthesis and artisans forging system has many obvious shortcomings, but it must also comply with the design team in a number of aspects to consider, or can not appear in our view.

  In my opinion, gems and artisans meet the following considerations at least:

  1. High synthetic gems funding, funding for craftsmen, that is a demand of the economic system for a steady gold coins consumption;

  2. Decomposition of garbage and forging new equipment ,it’s essentially a second drop, you should provide a method to tide over the difficult period for diablo 3 gold players with bad luck;

  3. About up to 14 gems synthesis, as well as the highest drop eight gems , which ensured that the players must use synthetic gems function to provide certainty for the gold’s consumption ;

  (More diablo 3 gold game information: http://www.d3goldsell.net/)

