
Alternative team play the magician also available with sever

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  First look at the sword. The DPS is very ordinary, most probably around 1100, equipment DPS drop tens of thousands is not a problem, but only one immediately attribute with blast injuries or steal to hole. In fact, there are two focus, first is the own demons addition, but most focus on its effects, “let the enemy victors”.

  The effects witch doctor dagger, which hit the enemy death, you play hurt and then multiplied by 100 times the damage. For example, the final blow you storm hit 400,000, then the effects will burst astonishing 40 million yellow letters.

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  Yes, but new ways of our magician, cooperate with demon hunter. And Buy d3 gold choose the skills you exactly need to select the DPH high.

  Be sure to let demon hunter choose death mark, because 12% of this play is to swath through marked for Death Rune, will never cut burst of amazing yellow letters allocated to within 20 yards, causing AOE damage, speed clearance strange , the effect of shock.






