
Gw2goldbuyer sales break losing streak this month

During the first quarter, the sales of gw2goldbuyer drop out from the top three, and according to the sales of April, it has a trend to rising back, sure that gw2goldbuyer will break losing streak this month.

  Although it’s only half of the month, but the total sales amount has almost reach the whole amount of that of April. To achieve this, gw2goldbuyer really make some efforts.

  First of all, gw2goldbuyer adjust the market distribution. Till April, gw2goldbuyer pay majority of the attention to the EU market, and since the modification, more attention to the US marker, and plans to transfer to China market from June. Now the Chinese storage and market is developping, and it will be ready to online at the end of this month.

  Second, during May, gw2goldbuyer select some Guild wars 2 items to on sale, like the Twilight, The Hunter and so on, players who buy it can get 10% off, and will have chance get free Guild wars 2 gold and items. Of course, this promotion really work, that both the sale of Guild wars 2 gold and items increase.

