
Arena play is vastly different from other PvP

The arena rewards are on par with the current end-game PvE blade soul gold  rewards and are arguably much easier to get in Blade and Soul. Hybrids have multiple choices for rewards, with each aspect of their play getting blade soul gold a different set. There are also epic weapons of every type, including off-hands and shields. Chest-pieces cost 1875, Gauntlets 1125, Helms 1875, Legs 1875, and Shoulders 1500. 2 hand weapons cost 3250 points. The arena vendor is located in area 52 in outland.

The two different arenas present different strategy opportunities.

Nagrand Arena: Nagrand is wide open, and has 4 buy blade soul gold  pillars behind which characters can hide to prevent spells/effects hitting them. This means that while a mage may not be able to hit you with a spell, you also won’t be able to heal/be healed from behind the pillars.

Other than that, Nagrand is a fairly simple arena. It is large and open, and there is little room to hide and no significant strategic positions.

