
Suggestions of how to fix reflect damage

Here, buy d3 gold quote the suggestion share by a senior game player. Next is what he said.

  Here is my optimal combination of equipment:

  63k hit points (most demon hunters have less)

  4,200 armor (most demon hunters have less)

  682 resistances (most demon hunters have less)

  649 life regeneration

  2.8 life steal (steals over 5,000hp per hit, so getting life on hit is not practical with high DPS)

  Since reflects damage currently has the ability to deal millions of EHP within a couple seconds, it is undeniably the strongest source of damage in the game on any monster power. Telling players to get millions of EHP to survive killing themselves when they are already over-geared for the monster power they are playing on is unreasonable. One of these can easily bring balance to reflect damage (Only need one):

  1.) Allow dexterity a chance to dodge ticks of reflect damage.

  2.) Give all classes the "30% damage reduction" that melee's have to use against reflects damage

  3.) Allow life steal to roll d3 gold on something other than weapons.

  4.) Cap reflects damage to do as much as standing in an arcane beam (Do you think it should hit harder than arcane beams?)

  5.) Cap reflects damage to only come from 1 source or allow it to only be on 1 mob in the group at a time and not every mob in the group.

