
Imagination of equipment fusion in version 1.08 of Diablo 3

 To command public respect and support, we are waiting over three months, and finally ushered in the second “conscience” patch of Diablo 3 gold. In the new version, we find a lot of the interaction and cooperation between the players, which is more interesting.

  This new version not only to promote interaction between the players and the players brought a gospel blacksmith changes to the flagging diablo 3 gold players. Let’s have a look at it.

  First the new equipment fusion system of the smith

  1. Players do not have the legendary equipment to the blacksmith fusion can get new unidentified equipment. And the new unidentified equipment is random.

  Fusion Method: legend + legend + sulfur * 2 + the fusogen +1 million = unidentified new legend

  2. Players can exchange the unidentified d3 gold legendary equipment through the fusion to get a 62 and 62 + unidentified equipment. And the new unidentified equipment is random.

  Fusion method: unidentified http://www.d3goldsell.net/5086_111_imagination-of-equipment-fusion-in-version-108-of-diablo-3_news.html legendary + unidentified legendary + sulfur * 2 + fusogen * 2 +1million = unidentified 62+ new legend

  Second the new equipment: destructive crystal

