
The competition between Heidegger and AH (1)

Once look at the title, many players can not d3 gold help to scoff that the landlord Buy d3 gold is naive. Blizzard is no longer what it used to be long ago. Everyone can brush out Need equipment that who will use AH? Yeah, you’re right, all the discussion can’t leave around the big mountain: the AH! So here, Buy d3 gold will further discuss the relationship of the new blacksmith and AH:

  First of all, we will discuss the diablo 3 gold comparison of the exchange’s trading volume. Think about the status quo of AH. It turned out that the former pretty good equipment can’t sell out. As for the basis equipment is getting better and better, and fewer and fewer people are practicing the trumpet.

  The demand of the low-end even http://www.d3goldsell.net/5097_111_the-competition-between-heidegger-and-ah-(1)_news.html the high-end equipment has been greatly reduced. Only the best equipment has the value of the transaction. Only lack of a single affixes to be best of equipment, will have none of the market.

  Now we have a look at the new blacksmith with affixes modification. The best equipment which lack of one or two affixes will be activated. To the randomness of wash affixes function, although it is still rarely able to randomly affix to the best, but it greatly enhanced secondary products and equipment and even end equipment in trading volume. And the high-end equipment also has a great chance of being washed into the lower-grade equipment. It means that the pros and cons grade of the equipments will have a complete reshuffle. Therefore, the AH will present a new and enduring prosperity which keeps the reshuffle go on.

