
The competition between Heidegger and AH (2)

Here, buy d3 gold will continue have a further discuss of the relationship between the new blacksmith and AH:

  The transaction value of affixes material is also a highlight of AH. Let’s calculate the probability of wash 5 affixes agility equipment into force attributes:

  Assume that it may wash into another 10 affixes types, generate the probability of the same set each affix: wash into force affix probability will be 10%. The equipment five affixes, random able to wash off the agility probability is 20%. So the total probability is 2%. See here, you will understand, the rate you want to wash into the best equipment is not so high, and this takes a lot of material.

  So for inlay, the consumption http://www.d3goldsell.net/5100_111_the-competition-between-heidegger-and-ah-(2)_news.html of materials will be the most advanced and most expensive which will never exist in the list of randomly generated affixes. It can’t be washed out except produce, which do not give any opportunity to the poor.

  4. Make use of the gamblers psychological to increase AH usage. It’s the charm of the whole system. For the benefits it brings are very attractive. But there are a lot of risks; you might wash into the best equipment only once, becomes a millionaire. You maybe unsatisfied with the failed properties and use out all of your gold. Your money will be swept away by the AH as for the gambler psychological.

